Dead Sea salt

Dead Sea salt contains the highest mineral concentration of any substance on the planet. Known for its medicinal qualities, it contains Potassium, Bromides, Calcium, Magnesium. The bromide concentration in the Dead Sea is the highest of all waters on Earth. Bromides help relax and ease muscular aches and pains as well as aiding with the natural repair of the body. Potassium improves oxidation and helps regulate the electrical process of muscles, playing a major role in regulating muscle contractions and the nervous system. It is also vital in assisting cells to absorb nourishment and expel waste products. An imbalance in potassium often leads to water retention and muscle cramping. Epsom Salts by comparison contain less than 0.04% potassium and no bromides. Calcium, if deficient during endurance events, may produce high blood pressure, muscle cramps and weakness. Magnesium deficiencies contribute to muscle cramps, tremors and sleep disturbances. Impurities can clog up the skin’s breathing system, which can be remedied through cleansing with Dead Sea Bath Salts, while also replenishing fluids and electrolytes.

The use of Dead Sea salts at home is an effective way to relax and absorb the minerals of the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea minerals absorb into muscle tissue and provide effective relief from soreness and stiffness; improving blood circulation, reducing inflammation and serving as a general muscle relaxant. This increase in blood flow eliminates toxins trapped in the muscles, allowing an oxygen-rich blood flow, bringing improved nourishment to tissues and decreasing discomfort. Dead Sea salt baths can help assist in cleansing and detoxifying the skin and body, removing the irritants and impurities that are otherwise trapped, while restoring some of the depleted minerals. There is absolutely no comparison between soaking in Dead Sea bath salts and soaking in Epsom or sea salts or other salts after a massage. A bath in Dead Sea salt enhances the feeling of relaxation and well-being. It is important to drink plenty of water while soaking in the bath to prevent dehydration.

A common misconception is that Dead Sea salt bath will dry the skin. Although this would be true of many of the other types of salt on the market, Therapeutic grade Dead Sea Salt contain only 4% sodium and are packed with minerals which the skin and body need. The effects of Dead Sea Salt Bath on the skin itself are profound. The soothing waters of the Dead Sea moisturize, detoxify and soften the skin, strengthen skin tissues, stimulate blood circulation, eliminating toxins while balancing out it’s pH levels. Regular use can improve various chemical imbalances of the skin and body, balance the skin’s natural pH levels effectively, provide effective relief from joint swelling, soreness and stiffness by improve blood circulation thereby reducing the inflammatory process.

Dead Sea Salt baths have shown drastic improvement for many conditions to include Psoriasis, Arthritis, Dry Skin, Eczema, Stress, Insomnia, Muscular Aches and Pains, Muscular Aches and Pains from Intense Workouts and Skin Allergies.