Not all water is the same; there is a natural progression and contamination is inevitable.  Nature’s Hydrologic Cycle is the natural water purification process that rids water of impurities, at least temporarily, before it picks them up again.
The sun vaporizes water, breaking it down into individual H2O molecules, drawing it from Earth’s surface into the atmosphere and leaving virtually all of its impurities behind. The vapor eventually cools in the clouds, condenses and falls back to Earth as rain, snow or other forms of precipitation. From there it collects as a glacier or some body of water, then runs, and pools in a place where it has an outlet; this is what is known as “spring water”. It then runs and pools to a place where there are no outlets; there it sits and eventually becomes stagnant. Only to evaporate again, going back into the sky where the process begins again.

The hydrological cycle illuminates water’s indestructibility.  Water cannot actually be consumed or exhausted; it is reusable and recyclable.  The Earth possesses a fixed supply of water to which, through the hydrological cycle, used quantities will always return.  Every glass of water contains water molecules that have been around since the Earth began.

The origin of water is as open to scientific speculation, as is the origin of Earth itself. What we do know is that water covers approximately three-fourths of Earth’s surface and ninety-seven percent of it is in the oceans. Earth was lifeless until the water came; the first living things were water plants and the origins of animal life lived in water. Today we are still water animals, forced to have access to water, or perish. An innate purpose of water is to regulate temperature and to act as a solvent. In nature, it falls as rain, snow or other precipitation helping to moderate the earth’s climate, keeping the earth from being parched and burned. As a solvent, it dissolves rocks and soil and transports nutrients to plant life.

Less than 1% of the World’s freshwater (or about 0.007% of all water on Earth) is readily accessible for direct human use; most of it is frozen in glaciers and icecaps, the remainder is found, in lakes, rivers, in the atmosphere and underground. Freshwater does not mean clean; the natural solubility of water, with its capacity to dissolve a myriad of substances with which it comes in contact, precludes the natural occurrence of water in an absolutely pure state. The variety and concentration of dissolved substances in a particular water supply will vary depending on where the water has been, if, for instance, it flowed down a mountainside and into a lake, it may have come in contact with rock, decaying animal and plant wastes, various gases, various metals, dust and dirt, microorganisms, etc. It will have dissolved or absorbed at least a small portion of each. It may also carry in suspension other materials it cannot readily dissolve. Water rarely contains organically complex minerals that the human body can assimilate, especially on our now polluted planet.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, chemicals dumped into our rivers may cause cancer.  Properly chlorinated water kills most germs and viruses, but it can also kill cells in our bodies.  The collected minerals from the air and ground are all inorganic and the body cannot utilize them; they must be disposed of or eliminated.  Old age and even death, is inevitably due to waste poisons collecting in the body.

There are at least nine different kinds of fresh water: hard-water, soft water, raw-water, boiled water, rainwater, snow-water, filtered water, deionized water and distilled water. “Ionized” and alkaline waters are, for the most part, hard water. The article Ionized Alkaline Water??? critically examines some of the claims from a modern chemistry and physiology standpoint to distinguish scientific fact from pseudo-scientific hype .

Some waters can harden arteries, form gallstones and kidney stones or even bring on early aging or senility. Other waters can work in reverse, carrying waste and debris out of the body.

  • Hard-water
    Hard water is water containing excessive lime salts, carbonates and sulfates of calcium and magnesium.  Sodium, iron, copper, silicon, nitrates, chlorides, viruses, bacteria, chemicals, and many other harmful inorganic minerals and chemicals may also be present.  Most all the water we consume comes from public water systems or private wells; these are hard waters.  Any water that has run through or over ground is hard water to some degree.  It begins in the clouds; as it falls, it cleans the air of the poisonous chemicals that pollute it, making the air fit to breathe.  When it reaches the ground, it picks up and collects the inorganic minerals of the earth.  The longer it filters through the soil, the harder it gets and the more harmful it may be for human consumption.  The minerals are wonderful only for plants.  As the water picks up minerals, it distributes them to plant life; they would never grow if these minerals were not supplied to their roots.  Plants in turn convert the inorganic minerals to organic minerals that our bodies can assimilate.There are also the hard waters from certain mineral springs, which are called “mineral waters”, that are well known for their medicinal effects.  Practically all “bottled” water is hard water.  To subsist on this type of water could be detrimental.  The mineral water’s so-called medicinal effect is a form of dysentery and results in the body throwing off the excess minerals, which invade it as intruding foreign deposits.
  • Soft water
    Some cities take water from rivers and lakes or mountain reservoirs.  They call it soft water.  However, soft water from such sources is soft only in comparison to harder water.
  • Raw-water
    Raw water is water that has not been treated in any way.  It may be hard or soft—as hard as lime- water, or as soft as rainwater.  Raw water contains millions of viruses and bacteria; every drop is densely inhabited.
  • Boiled water
    Some health authorities advise boiled water.  Although boiling water does kill the bacteria if boiled at least 20 minutes, it removes none of the inorganic minerals.  One may avoid live disease germs by drinking boiled water, but the dead bodies of these germs are carried into the system when consumed and act as bacterial soil for the growth of other bacteria.  While raw water is an aquarium filled with deadly microorganisms, boiled water is a graveyard of dead germs.
  • Rainwater
    There are some “nature faddists” advise the use of rainwater on the basis that it is “natural”.  Rainwater has been distilled by the heat of the sun and is initially mineral and germ-free; however, as it falls from the clouds as rain, it falls through air filled with bacteria, dust, smoke, chemicals and minerals.  By the time it reaches the Earth as rainwater it is so saturated with decaying matter, dirt and chemicals that its color is actually a yellowish-white.
  • Snow-water
    Snow water is melted snow.  It, too, picks up minerals, chemicals and radioactive fallout.  Snow is frozen rain; freezing does not destroy bacteria.  Snow looks white and clean, but it contains as many germs, minerals and pollutants as rainwater; each snowflake contains some form of air pollution.
  • Filtered water
    Filtered water is water that has passed through a very fine strainer, activated carbon or some other mechanical barrier.  The use of filtered water is rather popular but contrary to popular belief, it is not purified.  There is no filter made which can prevent bacteria or viruses from passing through its fine meshes.  Each pore of the finest filter is large enough for millions of germs to pass through.  Additionally, the impurities and decaying matter collects within every filter and forms an excellent breeding ground for bacteria.  After a filter has been used for a few days, the filtered water often contains more disease germs than the water that has passed though the filter.  Bacteria are multiplied by the millions by the collected wastes within some filters, and washed through with the filtered water.
  • Reverse osmosis
    A process where water is purified by forcing raw water through a semi-permeable membrane.  It removes a high percentage of the dissolved solids as well as other contaminants, and when new the result often approaches the purity of distilled water.  However, the effectiveness lessens with use, and the degree of water purity varies widely depending on water quality and the types and conditions of the equipment used.
  • De-ionized water
    Water processed by the deionized method effectively removes minerals; however, it does become a breeding ground for bacteria, pyrogenic matter and viruses.  The fault in this system lies in the resin beds, which can become notorious breeding grounds.  In addition, deionization does not remove synthetic chemicals such as herbicides, pesticides, insecticides or industrial solvents.
  • Distilled water
    Distilling water turns it into vapor, and then through condensation, back again into pure water.  Rising vapor cannot carry minerals and other dissolved solids.  It will not carry disease germs, dead or alive.  The vapor rises leaving all the suspended particles and chemicals behind.  Chlorine and pathogenic organisms are eliminated.  Distillation is the single most effective method of water purification.

Hard water is the body’s greatest enemy, causing nearly all aging diseases.  It carries inert minerals into the body, which are tucked into the joints as arthritis crippling them, the intestinal walls as constipation, and along the arteries, causing them to harden.  The kidneys and liver roll up the mineral deposits into little stones that eventually get too large for the ducts resulting in kidney stones or gallstones.  Sometimes the “filters” of the kidneys become so mineral clogged that kidney transplants become necessary.  Calcium deposits in the heart chambers and valves become so cemented into place with mineral deposits that heart surgery becomes necessary.

Distilled water is the greatest solvent on Earth.  It is water of the purest kind, odorless, colorless and tasteless. In the human body, it fulfills similar functions to that of the Earth, regulating body temperature keeping the body from burning up, and removing waste.  It also acts as a solvent in the body; dissolving food substances so they can be assimilated and taken into every cell.  Purifying the body and helping to eliminate chronic aging diseases, it picks up inorganic mineral substances lodged in the tissues of the body or wherever they may occur, leaving the organic minerals in the tissues where they belong,.  With continued use, it is possible to dissolve inorganic minerals, acid crystals, and all the other waste products of the body without injuring tissues.  Gallstones and kidney stones get smaller and smaller until they can safely pass through their ducts.  Little by little arthritic pains become less as joints become more supple and movable.  Arteries gradually become more elastic and blood pressures tend to become more normal.  After mineral deposits are dissolved, gentle muscular exercise can force the dissolved poisons and wastes from the tissues into the blood so that blood can carry wastes to the excretory organs; these organs then purge the wastes out of the body.

A sludge-filled motor cannot operate smoothly unless the sludge is removed. Neither can a body be supple and ageless unless the joints, arteries, cells and nerve tracts are free of mineral deposits!In a manner of speaking, distillation is nature’s way.  The apparent simplicity of this reality may cause one to discard it in favor of some more expensive, complicated and little-understood method or form of treatment.

Stay close to Mother Nature and receive the benefit of the methods formulated by universal laws.